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Daily UI Challenge

Follow me as I take on 100 days of Daily UI Design Challenges from Daily UI.

Day 1: Sign Up

Prompt: Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something.

Created a static Sign Up & Sign In page for Daily Ui App. Got to experiment with new background ideas.

Made in Figma

Initial Sart Up Screen
Sign Up Page
Sign In Page
Checkout Page Web version
Checkout Page Mobile Version

Day 2: Credit Card Checkout

Prompt: Design a credit card checkout form or page.

Created a static Nike checkout page for PC's. Got to experiment with UI elements such as input fields and the UX concept of visibility of system. 

Made in Figma

Day 4: Calculator

Prompt: Design a Calculator.

Created a calculator for a Surface Pro tablet. Got to experiment with UI elements such as buttons, icons, and the use of drop shadows.

Made in Figma

Calculator app
app icon in phone
App icon
app icon company.png

Day 5: App Icon 

Prompt: Design an app icon.

Created a wellness app icon for iPhones. Utilized colour theory & colour symbolism. 

Made in Illustrator

Day 6: User Profile

Prompt: Design a user profile and be mindful of most important data, names, imagery, placement, and tone.

Created a portfolio profile for iPhone 14. screen sizes. Got to experiment with different types of displayed content, placement, and call to action buttons.

Made in Figma

Day 8: 404 Page

Prompt: Design a 404 page.

Created a 404 page for MacBook Air screen size. Got to experiment with illustrations, as well as colour and tone of voice.

Made in Figma

404 Error Page
Music Player app
Music Player pop up notification

Day 9: Music Player 

Prompt: Design a music player.

Created a music player page and notification for iPhones. Considered controls, placements, imagery and different features to include. 

Made in Figma

Day 10: Social Share

Prompt: Design a social share button/icon and be mindful of the size, imagery, placement, and purpose for sharing.

Created a social share animation for social content. Got to experiment with interaction animations and Figma component sets.

Made in Figma

Exam Countdown

Day 14: Countdown Timer 

Prompt: Design a Countdown Timer. Is it for an app? An interface for an oven? A sport related countdown? A launch countdown for NASA?

Created an exam countdown. Considered controls, font, colours, visibility, function.

Made in Figma

Day 15: On/Off Switch

Prompt: Design an On/Off Switch. Consider what's being turned on/off and how it should be done.

Created an on/off toggle switch for apps. Got to experiment with different types of ui elements such as toggles, colours, and drop shadows.

Made in Figma

On/off toggle switch
019_ Leaderboard-2.png

Day 19: Leaderboard

Design a leaderboard. Is it for gaming, sports, politics or something else? Consider the important statistics to show, percentages, points, profiles pictures, etc.

Created a game leaderboard. Considered important information to display, format, controls, & hierarchy.

Made in Figma

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