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ICCIT Program Website Redesign

The ICCIT Website Redesign project report aimed to evaluate usability issues of the current University of Toronto’s ICCIT program website, provide design recommendations, and proposed a new potential website design which would aim to increase the usability and traffic. The full report was submitted to the ICCIT council for further review.

ICCIT Website Icon


UX Case Study for University Course: UX Design – Qualitative Methods


Evaluate usability and identify user pains in current website design. Cultivate good usability design principles and requirements in our design. Offer alternative design by exploring and incorporating different UX methodologies.

Techniques Used

Contextual Inquiry (CI), Participatory Design (PD), Coding, Thematic Analysis, Work Models, Focus Group Usability Evaluations

Tools Used

Balsamiq, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Mural, Stormboard


Project Management, Constructing CI/PD Protocol, Facilitating CI & PD Sessions, Creating Flow models, Ideating Prototypes, Analyzing & Coding Transcripts, Deriving Design Requirements, Conducting Usability Evaluations


13 Weeks

The Problem

The current ICCIT program website is not constructed in a way that is accessible and easy for users to navigate. The current site provides static and boring design which does not reflect the artistic nature of the program or its students. 

Problem Statement

How can we redesign the UofT's ICCIT Program website to reflect the artistic and user-centric nature of the major?

Our Aim

The Design Process


Contextual Inquiry

Contextual Inquiry methods were used to capture ongoing experiences of the users in the environment that they use the website (tasks they do on the website in the most natural environment they use this website in).

Users were identified as advanced users of the site (ICCIT upper – 3rd-5th year students ) and novice users of the site (high school students – gr 11-12 interested in applying for ICCIT program).

*Contextual Inquiry: method of having users familiar with the ICCIT website lead us through tasks as we assume the role of ‘apprentice/novice users’ and the users are seen as ‘master/experienced users’ in using the website.

Work Models

Both user groups CI sessions were coded and 5 work models (flow model, culture model, sequence model, artifact model, and physical model) were created for analysis on user breakdowns and disruptions in user flow.

Using each user’s work models, we combined them into aggregate models to understand repeated user breakdowns (as seen in red).


CI & Work Models Thematic Analysis

We conducted a thematic analysis on coded CI transcripts and work models and our team narrowed down the usability fails to be the following and organized them into an affinity diagram format.

CI & Work Model Thematic Analysis
ICCIT Website Design Recomendations


Design Recommendations

Using the different thematic analysis categories, we attributed a corresponding design requirement for content, information architecture and design to remedy each usability fail category in our proposed design.


Participatory Design (PD)

Participatory design aims to take a collaborative approach to design in which actual users of the ICCIT website provided insight and designed the ICCIT website how they would have like to see it.

Our team conducted 6 Participatory Design Sessions in which users were given few different design prompts out of the 10 to design for.

These prompts were decided on directly from the findings of the CI thematic analysis and design requirements.


For example: How would you make course information accessed within 3 clicks or less? Where would you place the full program description?

Participatory Design Sessions


PD Session Thematic Analysis

We created another affinity diagram to analyze coded PD Sessions and organize them into different themes. This was done to help categorize common design decisions that participants deemed important.

PD Codes & Thematic Analysis (1).png


Early Wireframes

Applying what we learned through the user created PD wireframes and PD thematic analysis, the team constructed specific page wireframes to include  design and content decisions deemed important by our users and PD participants.

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